Choosing A Setting for Your Engagement Ring


  1. Joden World Resources is a custom design jeweler with an on premises manufacturing facility. Our own craftsmen are expert in the restoration of your treasured heirlooms and in the creation of your heirlooms of the future.
  2. We offer custom made one of a kind handmade settings made in house. We have a complete line of high quality handmade English settings that we own the exclusive rights to in this country.
  3. We also stock over a thousand original settings from Victorian to present day.»
Joden Originals
original diamond setting
original setting diamond ring
Golconda oval diamond in original setting
Golconda oval diamond in modern setting

and Modern Settings
English setting modern diamond ring
Golconda oval diamond in original setting
modern setting diamond ring
english setting diamond ring

Yellow Diamonds
yellow diamond in modern original setting

English Settings
old English setting for English cut diamond
English crown setting
English crown setting for diamond ring
modern english diamond ring crown setting

Art Deco
art deco diamond ring setting
art deco diamond ring setting


Joden World Resources
144 South Broad Street
Grove City, PA 16127
724-458-0928 [f]